When I was introduced to ******** ********* ******** and others I was at a all time low.
I had been in a relationship marriage for close to 8 year with someone who controlled me manipulated me
financially controlled me and assaulted me many times.
The last straw was when the police were called and he was removed from the property
but before he was removed he took the contents of our home and only left me
and the children with 2 wardrobes and a telly. While trying to make a bad situation
a little better I made a tent in the bed room got some snacks and set in to watch movies with the children
only to fine when I turned it on he had broke the screen on the tv screen
and put a huge hole through the internet box. With that finding
the only thing I had was a old pack of playing cards he didn’t take a play snap till everyone was tired.
My friend who I hadn’t seen or spoke to for so long appeared at my door who knew of
ipswich baby bank support and got in contact and with in a week the shell me and the children
where living in became a home 🏡 and for that we are forever great ful.
I haven’t come away from the group since my journey has been something
I didn’t think I could do. I have made friends support group
I have had the pleasure of working closing with family’s that have made me cry
but stronger but that was only possible because of this group of people
I now call family. Last year I wasn’t strong enough to deliver Christmas presents this year I can’t wait.
And this evening I reached out to a friend the same way my friend did to me and
it turns out she has just come out of a very similar situation as I did.
I checked in to see if she was ok and everything came flooding out.
And I’m now strong enough and have the best team on this planet to be
able to offer support the same way it was done for me. So when you go to bed
and think your food bags where delivered or that bag of nappies made it
where they needed to go I need you all to no you change lives once that
door closes after your delivery you have made a huge difference.
It doesn’t end when you leave it’s only now starting. So from me and my boys
Merry Christmas xxx